- Les risques de cancers chez les pompiers, comment s'y prémunir!
Présentation conjointe de l'ACSIQ, de madame Josianne Roy, M.Sc. chimie, et de l'APSAM lors du congrès annuel de l'ACSIQ de mai 2016. - Les maladies professionnelles chez les pompiers
Présentation monsieur Richard Amnotte, Service de la sécurité incendie de Lévis, au congrès annuel de l'ACSIQ de mai 2016
Vidéos et autres documents de sensibilisation sur le sujet
- Pompiers et cancer (Radio-Canada, Découverte, épisode du 27 janvier 2019)
- Our silent killer : it's time to change (IAFF)
- The silent killer : firefighter cancer (National Fallen Firefighters Foundation)
Études scientifiques sur le sujet
- Cancers chez les pompiers : pas de fumée sans feu? (Prévention au travail, CSST et IRSST)
- Findings from a study of cancer among U.S. fire fighters (NIOSH)
- Cancer risk among firefighters : a review and meta-analysis of 32 studies (Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, vol. 48, no. 11, nov. 2006)
- Health risks and occupation as a firefighter : a report prepared for the Department of veterans' affairs, Commonwealth of Australia (Tee L. Guidotti, 2014)
- Firefighters and cancer : understanding risk factors in an environment of change (University of the Fraser Valley)
- Firefighting (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
Extrait de IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. Volume 98 : painting, firefighting, and shiftwork - Mortality and cancer incidence in a pooled cohort of US firefighters from San Francisco, Chicago and Philadelphia (1950−2009) (Occupational & environmental medicine, oct. 2013)
- Risques de tumeurs de la vessie urinaire chez les pompiers (IRSST)
Les contaminants présents lors d'un incendie
- Cardiovascular & chemical exposure risks in modern firefighting : interim report (Illinois Fire Service Institute – IFSI Research; University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign)
- Characterization of firefighter smoke exposure (Fire technology, vol. 50, no. 4, july 2014)
Note : il s'agit du résumé - Evaluation of chemical and particle exposures during vehicle fire suppression training (NIOSH)
- Evaluation of dermal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fire fighters (NIOSH)
- Evaluation of exposure to combustion products using multidimensional chromatography and ultra high resolution mass spectrometry (McMaster University)
- Firefighter exposure to smoke particulates : final report (Underwriters Laboratories)
- Smoke : perceptions, myths, and misunderstandings (Cyanide Poisoning Treatment Coalition)